The Spirit of Curling, as expressed by the World Curling Federation (WCF) and reprinted below, is intended to guide our on-ice conduct with respect to in-game curling behavior. The SVCC Code of Conduct is intended as a complementary guide to our communication with other participants both on and off the ice.

If you believe someone is violating the Code of Conduct, we ask that you report it by contacting any current board member not connected to the incident. For more details, please see our Reporting Guidelines below.

The Spirit of Curling (from the World Curling Federation)

Curling is a game of skill and of tradition. A shot well-executed is a delight to see, and it is also a fine thing to observe the time-honoured traditions of curling being applied in the true spirit of the game. Curlers play to win, but never to humble their opponents. A true curler never attempts to distract opponents, nor to prevent them from playing their best, and would prefer to lose rather than to win

Curlers never knowingly break a rule of the game, nor disrespect any of its traditions. Should they become aware that this has been done inadvertently, they will be the first to divulge the breach. While the main object of the game of curling is to determine the relative skill of the players, the spirit of curling demands good sportsmanship, kindly feeling and honorable conduct.

This spirit should influence both the interpretation and the application of the rules of the game and also the conduct of all participants on and off the ice.

Club Mission and Membership Policies

This document serves to outline the policies and practices that apply to all members of the Missoula Curling Club (MCC) community. The MCC will comply with United States Curling Association Code of Conduct (Appendix A).

Members with questions or concerns about any policies or member conduct are encouraged to bring these issues to the attention of the Club’s President (or designated Acting). Members can raise legitimate concerns and make good-faith reports without fear of reprisal. The Club President, if requested, can keep the reporter’s identity anonymous. All good faith reports will be investigated in a timely manner under the guidance of the MCC Board of Directors. Anyone directly involved in a report will not be allowed to participate in the investigation. Once an investigation is complete, the MCC Board of Directors will review the case.  Any members found to have violated the Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including revocation of membership.

Prior to the beginning of each curling season, members will be asked to officially acknowledge acceptance of this handbook and the policies enclosed.

Core Values

Along with the Spirit of Curling, our Club has core values that guide our behavior both on and off the ice. These principles are grounded in our love for the game and our respect for one another. The list of values and details that follow are not an exhaustive list of rules, but rather guideposts to help you find your way towards positive and inclusive interactions with everyone in MCC spaces.

Be Respectful

Respect is a fundamental value of our club. Not all of us will agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration or competitive anger now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration or competitive feeling to turn into a personal attack. It is important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened does not help grow the sport we all love. Members of The Missoula Curling Club should be respectful when dealing with other members and with non-member participants at MCC activities.

Be Inclusive

We strive to be a community that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to, members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, color, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.

Be Careful in the Words that You Choose

We expect a level of conduct and discourse at MCC events that is essentially professional in nature. If you wouldn’t say it to a colleague at work, don’t say it to a fellow club member at an MCC event.
We understand that you will often be socializing among friends and fellow curlers after league or at bonspiels, and that you may not have an expectation of professionalism among some of those people. But please remember that other members of the club, or the general public, may be within earshot and that you may not truly be as close with those around you as you think you are, particularly if alcohol is involved. Please be mindful of your surroundings and your conduct in these circumstances and err on the side of caution when there are any doubts. You are representing the Club, as well as yourself, in these situations.

Be kind to others

Do not insult or put down other participants. Harassment and other exclusionary behavior are not acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Violent threats or language directed against another person.
  • Discriminatory jokes and language.
  • Unwelcome sexual attention.
  • Conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others, or to suffer substantial emotional distress.
  • Sharing sexually explicit or violent material.
  • Sharing (or threatening to share) other people’s personal information.
  • Personal insults, especially those using racist or sexist terms.
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.
  • Repeated harassment of others. If someone asks you to stop, then stop.

Be Friendly and Patient

We understand that everyone has different levels of experience and skill on the ice. We all have areas of our game with room for improvement. We want to be a curling club where people can not only compete, but also feel comfortable asking questions and learning along the way. When helping another member grow as a curler, either in their play or their on-ice etiquette, do so with patience and politeness. Remember that we all were new to the sport at one point. If you see someone who you think needs help with some aspect of their curling skill development, always ask first before offering your advice. Remember that not everyone is always looking for feedback, no matter how well-intentioned.

When someone violates the generally accepted etiquette of the game, communicate your concern as politely as possible. If the issue is not urgent, consider discussing the matter after the match or with the player’s skip instead of addressing the player directly.


Disagreements, both social and competitive, happen all the time. It is important that we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively. Remember that we’re all different. There is strength in having a varied community with people from a wide range of backgrounds. Different people have different perspectives. Being unable to understand why someone holds a viewpoint doesn’t mean that they’re wrong. Don’t forget that it is human to err and blaming each other doesn’t get us anywhere.  Instead, focus on helping to resolve issues and learning from mistakes.

Use of Member Information

Member information contained in the club directory is intended for club use only. It may not be printed, reproduced, or distributed to non-members.

Appendix A - United States Curling Association Policy and Procedures Manual January 2022

Policy 21-13
Code of Conduct
Adopted October 1, 2021, Modified December 16, 2021

1. Introduction

This Policy nullifies and replaces the existing USA Curling Policy 19-05, adopted October 11, 2019.

Every USA Curling member has the power and the responsibility to shape the culture within our sport. By practicing our shared values and staying focused on our highest priority – the safety and well-being of our athletes – we can promote an environment that empowers and supports athletes and makes participation in the sport a positive and rewarding experience for all members.

The USA Curling Code of Ethical Conduct (the “Code”) is our collective commitment to work ethically in all instances. It offers a tangible way to put our values into practice and guidance in situations that have potential or actual ethical implications. Ultimately, the effectiveness of the Code depends on a personal commitment from every member of the curling community.

This Code is divided into three sections: (1) the Athlete Bill of Rights; (2) Ethical Obligations; and (3) Resolution of Ethical Issues. The Code does not address misconduct or abusive behaviors. Instead, the USA Curling Safe Sport Policy provides the definitions and mandatory reporting requirements for misconduct and abuse.

All members, employees, volunteers, board members, committee and task force members of USA Curling, and contractors (collectively, “members of USA Curling” or “members”) are required to implement and adhere to this Code.

Members of USA Curling are also required to accept the requirements of and comport themselves in accordance with (a) the rules, policies, and procedures of USA Curling and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (“USOPC”); (b) the Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions; and (c) all applicable state and local laws.

No element of this policy shall be interpreted to contradict any of the USA Curling Bylaws.

2. Athlete Bill of Rights

All members of USA Curling are committed to ensuring that athletes have a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment in which to train and compete and that each athlete has the ability to:

a. Participate in Curling

Curling is inclusive and open to everyone. All athletes have the right to participate, regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental or physical disability, national origin, religion, or any other basis proscribed by law. Athletes have the right to participate at a level commensurate with their maturity and ability and shall be given an equal opportunity to strive for success.

b. Train and compete safely

Safety is paramount. All athletes have the right to:

i. Participate in an environment that is free from emotional, sexual, or physical abuse;
ii. Train and compete in a safe environment, free from inappropriate physical hazards, bullying, hazing, harassment, stalking, violence, or similar threats; and
iii. Train and compete on equipment that is clean, appropriately fitted, and properly maintained.

c. Have their personal health and wellness prioritized

Athletes have the right to pursue a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition, mental health support, injury prevention and care, and necessary rest and recuperation, especially when healing from injury.

d. To be treated with dignity and respect

Athletes have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity and respect. They have the right to make mistakes and fail without fear. They have the right to be respected, encouraged, and supported appropriately by other athletes, parents, coaches, judges, spectators, event officials, and those in positions of authority.

e. Receive proper instruction

Athletes have the right to:

i. Be coached by individuals who are knowledgeable and have received appropriate training.
ii. Be properly prepared for participation by those in positions of authority, including coaches, club owners, and administrators.
iii. Question or report improper behavior or violations of the Safe Sport Code, including coaches or club owners, without fear that doing so shall negatively impact their participation or success.
iv. All athletes (particularly minor athletes) are entitled to have their parents observe coach/athlete interactions.

f. Integrity and Transparency

Athletes have the right to fair and transparent procedures and policies within their discipline – including selection procedures – that demonstrate integrity and are free from conflicts of interest, impropriety, and favoritism.

g. Provide input on matters that directly affect them

Athletes have the right to provide input and have their voices respected in matters that directly affect them.

h. Voice opinions on issues that affect the curling community

Athletes have the right to respectfully express themselves on issues that impact the curling community, with the confidence that doing so shall not jeopardize their ability to participate and/or negatively impact their success.

The foundational philosophies of this Bill of Rights are separate from but intended to guide the responsibilities of each individual member included in the Ethical Obligations of Members (below), the Safe Sport Policy. Ethical Obligations should be interpreted with these principles in mind.

3. Ethical Obligations of Members

a. Promotion of a Safe, Positive, and Healthy Environment for All Members have an ongoing obligation and commitment to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all curling participants. Consistent with this obligation, members must:

i. Make decisions in the best interest of athletes.
ii. Maintain a safe training and competing environment.
iii. Promote a culture of trust and empowerment.

Member: United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee | World Curling Federation
iv. Respect the fundamental rights, dignity, and worth of all participants.
v. Encourage a healthy lifestyle and support nutritional well-being.
vi. Promote and respect all Safe Sport principles.

b. Commitment to Integrity

Members have a responsibility to uphold the integrity of the sport and to act honestly, openly, fairly, and competently. Members must:

i. Be knowledgeable of, understand, and follow USA Curling rules and policies, and refrain from knowingly misrepresenting or misinterpreting such.
ii. Promote fair play.
iii. Maintain respect on and off the ice and refrain from intimidating, embarrassing, or improperly influencing any individual responsible for participating in or administering a competition.
iv. Follow the established procedures for challenging a competitive result.
v. Make honest certifications regarding compliance with USA Curling’s policies, procedures, or membership requirements.
vi. Avoid engaging in business practices directed toward another Member that are known to be or are determined by a court or similar adjudicatory body to be unethical, illegal, or a breach of contract.

c. Participation and Inclusion

Members have the right to participate in any USA Curling activity or event for which the member is properly qualified under the rules of that activity or event and may participate to the best of their abilities at their own discretion:

i. Members may not knowingly participate in or cause others to participate in any activity or event where that individual is inadequately prepared or unable to participate safely.
ii. Members must promote positive participation and avoid behavior that is likely to interfere with the orderly conduct of the activity or other members’ participation in or enjoyment of an activity or event.
iii. Members must respect the rights and opinions of others.
iv. Members must facilitate cooperation in order to serve athletes and other participants effectively and appropriately.
v. Members must promote inclusion and an environment free of discrimination. Members may not:

• Restrict the ability of a member to qualify for or participate in competition because of the member’s association with a particular organization or individual or because of that Member’s race, sex, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, mental or physical disability, or any other basis proscribed by law.
• Discriminate in the allocation of resources or opportunities to any member or prospective member on the basis of race, sex, creed, sexual orientation, age, national origin, mental or physical disability, or any other basis proscribed by law.

d. Communication

Members of USA Curling have a duty to communicate honestly and openly and must:
i. Respect the voice of athletes, particularly in matters that affect them.
ii. Strive to promote the sport and athletes.
iii. Provide all information and resources necessary to enhance a curler’s enjoyment of the sport or reduce their risk of injury or illness.
iv. Refrain from unsportsmanlike comments or behavior.
v. Address differences in a calm and respectful manner.
vi. Clearly communicate roles, responsibilities, and expectations.
vii. Avoid making false or misleading claims; or falsify, or omit any information, record or document, or other evidence for any purpose.
viii. Accurately represent competitive achievements, professional qualifications, education, experience, eligibility, criminal record, other misconduct, and/or affiliations.

e. Concern for the Welfare of Others

Members shall seek to contribute to the welfare of curling participants and must:

i. Promote a culture of empowerment with a focus on athlete health and safety.
ii. Comply with mandatory reporting requirements established by federal law, the U.S. Center for SafeSport, and USA Curling Safe Sport Policy.
iii. Proactively address potentially harmful behavior or an unsafe environment.
iv. Be sensitive to any imbalance of power.
v. Resolve conflicts in a professional manner.

f. Professional Responsibility

Members have the responsibility to aspire to the highest possible standards of conduct and must:

i. Prioritize athlete welfare.
ii. Faithfully complete and comply with USA Curling membership requirements.
iii. Strive to maintain high standards and excellence.
iv. Seek to increase proficiency levels through continuing education and in consultation with other professionals.
v. Participate only at a level of the sport in which an individual is qualified and prepared for.
vi. Accept appropriate responsibility for one’s own behavior and report any unlawful or other
inappropriate conduct of others in accordance with Section II below.

g. Alcohol and Drug-Free Environment

Members of USA Curling must ensure that the sport is conducted in an environment free of drug or
alcohol abuse. Members may not:

i. Use or provide to a third party any illegal (scheduled) drug pursuant to applicable federal, state, or municipal law.
ii. Assist or condone any competing athlete’s use of a drug banned by any applicable governing body, or, in the case of athletes, use such drugs or refuse to submit to properly conducted drug tests administered by any governing body.
iii. Provide alcohol to or condone alcohol use by minors; consume alcohol while engaging in USA Curling activities, including coaching and/or training and/or competing; consume excessive alcohol in the presence of athletes or at USA Curling’ events, or consume alcoholic beverages while a minor.

h. Job Reference Limitations

No individual who is an employee, contractor, or agent of USA Curling may assist a member or former member of USA Curling in obtaining a new job (excluding the routine transmission of administrative or personnel files) if the individual knows that the member or former member: a) violated the policies or procedures of the U.S. Center for SafeSport related to sexual misconduct; and/or b) was convicted of a crime involving sexual misconduct with a minor in violation of applicable law or the policies and procedures of the U.S. Center for SafeSport.

4. Resolving Ethical Issues

All members of USA Curling have an obligation to be familiar with the principles outlined within this Code.

Members should be alert and sensitive to situations that could result in unethical, illegal, or improper actions.

The specific methods, requirements, and procedures for reporting and resolving possible ethical violations of the Code are found in the Complaint Procedures (USA Curling Policy 21-05). The Complaint Procedures provide for informal resolution of ethical violations, the reporting of possible ethical violations (including anonymous reporting), and formal dispute resolution procedures for violations of the Code. The Complaint Procedures outline, among other things, who can submit a complaint, the requirements for a complaint, the process for responding to a complaint, the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved in the process, and the formal hearing process for resolution of complaint.

5. Anti-Retaliation and Additional Resources

a. Anti-Retaliation.

Under no circumstances shall an individual be subject to any disciplinary or retaliatory action for filing, in good faith, a report of a violation or potential violation of the Code. However, filing known false or malicious reports will not be tolerated, and anyone filing such reports will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

b. Additional Resources.

The Office of the Athlete Ombuds and its staff (the Athlete Ombuds) offers independent, confidential advice to athletes regarding their rights and responsibilities in the Olympic and Paralympic Movement, and assists  athletes with a broad range of questions, disputes, complaints, and concerns. The Athlete Ombuds’ focus is to serve athletes who represent the U.S. in international competition. The Athlete Ombuds operates on the core principles of confidentiality and privacy, independence, and impartiality.

Additional information about, and contact information for, the Athlete Ombuds can be found online at:

Appendix B - Definitions – Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination

Bullying (may include but is not limited to) any inappropriate conduct or comment by a person towards another person that the person knew or reasonably ought to have known would cause that person to be humiliated or intimidated. Bullying behavior may include but is not limited to: verbal aggression or insults, calling someone derogatory names, harmful hazing or initiation practices, vandalizing personal belongings, and spreading malicious rumors.

Harassment is objectionable and unwanted behavior that is verbally or physically abusive, that is without reasonable justification, and that creates a hostile or intimidating environment. Harassing behavior includes persistent, demeaning or intimidating comments, gestures or conduct; threats to a person that is without reasonable justification, and that creates a hostile or intimidating environment; threats or comments towards an individual that affects their self-esteem so as to compromise their ability to work or play; unwarranted and excessive supervision or criticism of an individual; abuse of power, authority or position; sabotage of a person’s work; hazing; spreading of malicious rumors or lies; or making malicious or vexatious complaints about a person.

The Club also will not tolerate the display of pornographic, racist or offensive signs or images; practical jokes that result in awkwardness or embarrassment; and unwelcome invitations or requests, whether indirect or explicit.

Discrimination means any form of unequal treatment due as a result of any of the following: Age, Color, Physical and Mental Disability, Place of Origin, Race, Religion, Gender, Sexual orientation or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance or regulation.

Discrimination does not refer to specific physical or mental requirements to perform a specific role within the Club. However, the Club will not reject applications from persons with disabilities on the assumption that they cannot adequately perform a given role, but they may ask the applicant if they are able to perform the requirements of the position.

Appendix C – Complaint Procedure

  1. Employees, volunteers, members or guests of the Club who believe that they have been bullied, harassed or discriminated against should report the behavior to the Club President or Vice President or a member of the Board of Directors. Minor infractions of this policy may be adjudicated in real time by officers or board members, and may include removal of a player and/or the cessation of the game. Issues that cannot be addressed through consultation with the curler or their skip will be dealt with through a letter to the board. Letters of complaint should answer the following questions:
    1. What was said or done?
    2. Who did it?
    3. When and where did it happen?
    4. Did anyone else observe or hear it?
    5. What did you (the complainant) do? Was the harasser confronted? What was the response?
    6. Has this happened before? Was the same person(s) involved? How did you (the complainant) handle it in the past?
    7. To your (the complainant) knowledge, have others had similar experiences?
  2. A subcommittee composed of no less than three people shall be formed and led by the President, unless inappropriate based on complaint. The other two members shall include at least one member of the Board. The subcommittee will ensure that all policies are administered fairly and equitably.
  3. When a complaint is filed, the subcommittee will use the following process:
    1. Ensure that all complaints will be handled confidentially, promptly, fairly and fully investigated.
    2. Review the allegations made in the letter of complaint.
    3. Examine all evidence presented prior to the start of the investigation.
    4. Interview individuals who could provide insight into the Complainant’s letter and ensure the following steps are taken before any interviews take place:
      1. Preparing a list of witnesses to be interviewed.
      2. Compiling a list of questions to be asked of each witness.
      3. Finding a suitable, private environment in which to conduct the interviews for each witness.
      4. All interviewees will be presented with a written summary of their respective interview and be asked to sign to indicate that the summary accurately reflects the discussion that took place. Should the interviewee disagree with the summary, they can prepare and submit a written submission regarding the discrepancies.
    5. The subject of the complaint should be given the opportunity to fully respond to the allegations made once all other interviews are complete and before any determination has been made.
      1. Reassure the accused that the complaint is being dealt with in as confidential a manner as possible
      2. This final interview is to be solely a fact-finding session.
      3. No conclusions or recommendations should be stated.
    6. Collect and consider any evidence that may assist in the investigation.
    7. Determine if the allegations made in the complaint are substantiated or not substantiated.
    8. Make recommendations based on the subcommittee’s findings


Lasted edited October 2022